This morning in Jakarta, we announced strengthened sustainability commitments that eliminate deforestation from our supply chain. This is part of our updated Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP).
It is important we comment on a video recently distributed by Greenpeace depicting legal commercial plantation forestry activity in Indonesia involving APRIL and its suppliers.
Greenpeace has recently made a number of statements attacking APRIL’s progress and track record on sustainable forest management. We reject these claims.
We wish to take the opportunity to respond to a report prepared by Greenpeace earlier in January and distributed selectively to media and stakeholders. The report repeats claims made in July 2014 regarding supposed deficiencies
In an online radio interview, Greenpeace said “APRIL is destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of natural rain forest including destroying an area with high conservation value inside that Kampar Peninsula.” This claim is irresponsible
Greenpeace USA claims on its website that APRIL is cutting down the last remaining natural forests in Indonesia. That is simply not true and is misleading for any consumer considering using APRIL’s products.