Concerned over the condition of community plantations located at Teluk Meranti, Pelalawan in Riau Province, a village group called Forum Masyarakat Penyelamat Semenanjung Kampar (FMPSK) decided to take action. In lodging a complaint with APRIL
Fire prevention in Indonesia’s Riau province takes on many forms – from the community-based Fire Free Village Programme and the collaboration and responsiveness of fire suppression teams on the ground to the vital contribution of
The Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG) was established to help APRIL fulfill the commitments in its Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP 2.0) related to its peatland operations.
APRIL’s Fire Free Village Programme (FFVP) is changing lives in Riau province as communities benefit from new infrastructure funded by the programmes’ “No Burn Rewards” initiative. From mosques to marketplaces to sports facilities, villagers are
An expanded Fire Free Village Program (FFVP) in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia achieved a number of successes in 2016 according to an independent review completed by Singapore-based Carbon Conservation. The advisory company that works in
APRIL Group’s Fire Free Village Program (FFVP) team is busy visiting villages across Riau Province to raise awareness of the importance of fire prevention ahead of the 2017 dry season. This is in line with