KPMG Performance Registrar Inc. (KPMG PRI) has completed an assurance engagement relating to the implementation by APRIL Group of its Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0. The report covers 34 performance indicators over the period
The Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG) was established to help APRIL fulfill the commitments in its Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP 2.0) related to its peatland operations. In 2021, the IPEWG held three meetings,
A story ran on the US news channel NBC on 11 December 2021 (Singapore time) alleging a link between production of sustainable viscose and deforestation in Indonesia. The story included reference to RGE as a
APRIL Group has reported significant progress against its APRIL2030 commitments and targets in the year since their launch. Highlights and details of progress achieved in each of APRIL2030’s four interconnected commitment areas are captured in
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) held a meeting on 9 October 2021 to discuss APRIL’s fiber self-sufficiency and GHG monitoring. The SAC oversees the implementation of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0. The meeting
The following article by Anderson Tanoto, Managing Director, RGE was first published in the Business Times (Singapore) on November 17 2021. As the curtain fell on the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), it seemed