Singapore has been blanketed by haze in past weeks. The company recently explained to Singapore’s Business Times and Today newspapers why reports of fires in APRIL’s concession areas in Riau Province are misplaced.
Indonesian government gives APRIL go-ahead to recommence Pulau Padang operations after extensive review of forestry plans and local consultation.
The private sector is key to responsible forestry and conservation in Indonesia – a point of view that has been backed by independent scientific and academic study.
Greenpeace USA claims on its website that APRIL is cutting down the last remaining natural forests in Indonesia. That is simply not true and is misleading for any consumer considering using APRIL’s products.
BBC reports: The majority of hotspots in Riau are inside April and Sinar Mas concessions
Greenpeace says: Notorious Indonesian pulp and paper producer APRIL has had a chequered history with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). But late last week we heard that the relationship has finally came to an end – and in a most unexpected way.