APRIL is now preparing a joint field verification
Forest restoration took root today in Indonesia. Conservationists began the planting of 2 million trees, the key stage of a $17 million healing process on the island of Sumatra.
This post has been moved to the following url: https://www.aprildialog.com/2014/05/24/april-welcomes-civil-society-assessments-to-ensure-the-compliance-of-sfmp-commitments/
What does the pheasant known as the Crestless Fireback have in common with Sun Bears or Bearded Pigs? Answer: they all dwell in the lowland peat forests of Sumatra. Supplemental answer: they’ve all been captured
When we began our business almost 20 years ago, we were the first company in Indonesia to integrate High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) principles with our business imperatives, mindful that business, community and conservation are
A key stakeholder has sounded a note of encouragement regarding implementation of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy. The message comes from the Geneva-based World Business Council for Sustainable Business Development (WBCSD). APRIL is a member