KPMG Performance Registrar Inc. was engaged by the Stakeholder Advisory Committee to provide assurance over indicators related to the implementation of APRIL’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 (SFMP 2.0).
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) appointed KPMG Performance Registrar Inc. (KPMG PRI) to assess APRIL’s implementation of the Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 that was launched in June 2015.
Call for consultation on the Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 set of indicators from the Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
The Independent Peat Expert Working Group (IPEWG) was established to help APRIL fulfill the commitments in its Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP 2.0) related to its peatland operations.
Concerned over the condition of community plantations located at Teluk Meranti, Pelalawan in Riau Province, a village group called Forum Masyarakat Penyelamat Semenanjung Kampar (FMPSK) decided to take action. In lodging a complaint with APRIL
The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) held its 11th meeting on 12 – 15 September, 2017 in Pangkalan Kerinci, Riau to discuss updates related to peatland management, suppliers’ compliance with the Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0