KPMG Report on APRIL Group’s Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0

Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0. This marks the 11th consecutive report issued by KPMG PRI to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) since APRIL’s initial SFMP announcement in 2014.

This report provides assurance over APRIL’s implementation of 19 performance indicators for the period January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. The assurance covered eight field locations: 2 RAPP Sectors, 3 Supply Partners, 1 Open Market Supplier, 1 Community supplier and Restorasi Riau Ecosystem (RER).

The assurance engagement identified no instances of non-conformances with the SFMP 2.0 requirements. All previously identified opportunities for improvement have been addressed and closed. Five new opportunities for improvement were noted, along with two examples of good practice in SFMP 2.0 implementation.
Overall, the results of the assurance process indicate that APRIL continues to make progress in relation to its key SFMP 2.0 commitments. In particular:

  • APRIL maintains a strict policy of no harvesting of native mixed tropical hardwoods
  • Land development remains strategically focused on non-forested areas, upholding the commitment established in APRIL’s 2015 mixed hardwood moratorium
  • Community support and development initiatives continue to strengthen, demonstrating alignment with APRIL’s 2030 goals
  • APRIL concessions continue to achieve low fire incidence, with no fires recorded in 2023
  • Effective dispute resolution processes remain in place, facilitating the resolution of land-use conflicts and the responsible return of non-forested land into productive use
  • Ongoing investment in an enhanced safety culture through the continued implementation of the Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS)

The full document can be downloaded here.

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