Interim Report on the Implementation of the Sustainable Forest Management Policy 2.0 (SFMP 2.0)
In January 2016 a team from KPMG Performance Registrar Inc. (KPMG PRI) carried out a specified auditing procedures engagement on APRIL Group’s implementation of key Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP 2.0) commitments related to the implementation of a moratorium on mixed hardwood logging and fiber sourcing for the Kerinci pulp and paper mill.

APRIL team at forest plantation
As an interim initiative, this report addresses progress in implementing three key commitments made in SFMP 2.0 that relate to the phasing out of mixed hardwood (MHW) fiber from APRIL’s supply chain.
Interim Report Scope:
The scope of the specified auditing procedures covered the following SFMP 2.0 commitments:
- Effective immediately, APRIL and its suppliers will only develop areas that are not forested, as identified through independent peer-reviewed High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) assessments;
- By 15 May 2015, APRIL and its suppliers halted all harvesting of mixed hardwoods. Mixed hardwoods harvested before 15 May 2015 will be utilized by APRIL’s mill before end December 2015 (Note: Under de minimis rule, small isolated areas within existing plantation concessions could be harvested only if they are not classified as HCV or HCS through the assessment process);
- No new development by APRIL and its suppliers on forested peatland.
KPMG PRI’s specified auditing procedures covered the period from May 15, 2015 (the date that the moratorium on harvesting of mixed hardwoods was implemented) through to January 8, 2016 (the date up to which data was available at the time the work was completed and 8 days after the date by which APRIL’s mill was committed to utilize any MHW harvested prior to May 15, 2015).
The report is available here.