APRIL’s call-to-action at COP21
By: Tony Wenas – Managing Director, APRIL Indonesia Operations
Over the next two weeks, a global community of diverse stakeholders gathers in Paris for COP21, underpinned by a common intent – to make a lasting difference to the way the world manages the environment and addresses climate change. APRIL Group’s senior leadership will be there and actively participating.

Tony Wenas – Managing Director, APRIL Indonesia Operations
We are going not just to engage and learn, but to demonstrate in very real terms that bold action is needed from all actors who can influence environmental, social and economic outcomes. That is what’s required to achieve real transformation on the ground.
APRIL will be making some bold announcements of our own to continue to play our part in making that difference and in helping Indonesia achieve its goals.
APRIL’s presence at COP21 is pivoted around a view that the private sector in Indonesia and elsewhere can and must play a key role in making and delivering on commitments that further the climate change agenda.
Importantly, we see those commitments as being central to our business strategies. Conservation, restoration and wider inclusive growth can no longer be viewed as independent from fundamental business building blocks.
These factors are and will be a pre-requisite for business growth and at a country level, impactful, deliverable sustainability programmes will drive economic and social development.
Our presence at COP21 comes six months after we made additional commitments under our Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP). We have made solid progress in implementing those policies. We’re rigorous about ensuring no-deforestation in our supply chain, as well as protecting the existing 250,000ha of conservation within our concessions. We are moving forward with restoration of 70,000 hectares of previously degraded peatland and our Fire Free Village Programme is delivering encouraging results. All of these elements are advancing us towards our goal of achieving one hectare of conservation for every hectare of plantation.
There is much more work to be done and at COP21, we will be expanding our current commitments even further. That will involve continued collaboration and engagement with local communities, with our expert Stakeholder Advisory Committee and with government.
The APRIL contingent goes to COP21 with a clear view and high hopes. More importantly, we’re going with demonstrated actions, expanded commitments and a call to action that we hope others will join.