APRIL SFMP Action Plan 2015

APRIL Sustainable Forest Management Action Plan 2015

APRIL SFMP Action Plan 2015

In compiling this Plan, we have spent considerable time with our operations teams to ensure that the actions to be implemented or already underway are scoped and resourced, achievable, and that there are timeliness and accountabilities in place. As well as working closely with operations teams, we have sought the verification of KPMG to ensure that the activity outlined in the Action Plan accurately aligns with the SAC’s recommendations. Correspondence from KPMG summarizing the status of Action Plan and confirming their assessment is enclosed. KPMG will conduct a follow-up assessment of the Action Plan’s implementation in May 2015.

We look forward to reporting the progress against the Action Plan as well as our broader SFMP commitments at the next SAC’s meeting in May 2015.

The Action Plan 2015 is available here


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