APRIL Welcomes Civil Society Assessments to Ensure the Compliance of SFMP Commitments
APRIL is now preparing a joint field verification

APRIL Protects and Manages High Conservation Value Forests
This is replacing APRIL’s response posted on 20 May 2014 due to inaccuracy in interpreting concerns and context. Further quotes of APRIL’s response on this issue should refer to this version.
First of all, APRIL appreciates the publication of the recent report by GAPETA Borneo, Kalimantan Forest Monitoring NGOs (RPHK) and WWF-Indonesia East Kalimantan on one of our short-term suppliers, PT Adindo Hutan Lestari (AHL). APRIL sees this report as part of the civil society assessment to ensure the full compliance of our Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) commitments at our own and supply partners’ concessions.
We assure that the concerns brought up in AHL’s report are top priority for APRIL’s Management. We have taken immediate actions by preparing an internal task force for a joint field verification inviting GAPETA Borneo, RPHK and WWF-Indonesia East Kalimantan to clarify the findings raised in the report. APRIL has also requested AHL’s HCV assessor, Tropenbos, to be part of the joint field verification process.
To support this joint field verification, APRIL has prepared all data and information that are relevant to be used for the verification process. We expect the result of the joint field verification to be completed by mid-June 2014. The joint verification report will be delivered to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC).
It is essential to underline that in addition to protecting the assigned HCVF areas in the AHL’s concession, APRIL has worked together with AHL to set aside additional areas nearly 3,500 hectares – which are non-HCVF areas earmarked for plantation development – to be treated as potential HCVF areas for further assessment by independent technical experts registered with HCV Resource Network. Until then, a moratorium is in place for such additional areas.
APRIL appreciates all inputs and complaints that have been delivered by the relevant stakeholders to the SAC, including this report. We are informed that the SAC has taken proper steps to respond to the stakeholders’ feedbacks and acknowledge SAC’s responsiveness in addressing the feedbacks. APRIL ensures that the findings and results of the joint verification will be reported to the SAC. APRIL will incorporate SAC’s inputs in a thorough and transparent manner and take necessary actions as recommended by the SAC.
APRIL is fully committed to its SFMP and will continue to vigorously enforce the commitments made in the Policy. APRIL always welcomes independent monitoring by civil society over our performance in meeting the SFMP commitments.